Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Grandma Hildy's Tomato Soup

For all you canners out there, this is the BEST tomato soup recipe from my Grandma Hildegard. Don't be intimidated by the amount. Visit your farmer's market and get to work for amazingly delicious tomato soup this Fall. Or be like Grandma Hildy (she's 83) and plant a big garden each year to can your own harvest.
14 quarts tomatoes, cleaned and cut up (skins, seeds and all)
7 onions
14 stalks celery
7 green peppers
14 stalks parsley
20 whole cloves
Boil all (for about an hour and a half) and strain through colander. Then heat again and add 1 pound melted butter with 14 T. flour (7/8 cup), 16 T. sugar ( 1 cup), 8 T. Salt (1/2 cup). Fill jars and seal. Then place in pressure canner and process at 10lb. pressure for 10 minutes. Makes about 10 quart jars.

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